

September 20-26, 2024
September 20-30, 2024
November 12-24, 2024

Looking for a meaningful break to reconnect with yourself and the natural world? Our mini-sabbaticals offer a unique opportunity to step away from the busyness of life and immerse yourself in a serene, supportive environment. Whether you seek spiritual renewal, creative expression, or simply time to reflect, our tailored programs provide the perfect space for rest, growth, and transformation. Join us for a few days or a couple of weeks, and return refreshed and rejuvenated, with a deeper sense of purpose and connection.

September 20-26, 2024
A Mini Sabbatical

Stephan Martin

‘Why not consider making a ‘mini-sabbatical’ with Stephan Martin, astronomer, author and mystic from
September 20 – 26, journeying into the mystery and miracle of our place in an unfolding, evolving
Universe while enjoying space and time for personal and group reflection, walking the trails of
Springbank’s woods, the Labyrinth or spending time with Springbank’s 500-800 year old live Oak, fondly
called ‘Grandmother tree’?

Arrival and departure: Arrive by 4.00 pm on September 20, Friday and depart September 26th after the session ends at 4.30pm.

Cost : $795 Registration: $95 (non-refundable) Balance $700
Includes program, accommodations and meals

September 20-30, 2024
A Mini Sabbatical

Stephan Martin & Gillian Romano

Join Stephan Martin, astronomer and author and Gillian Romano, artist and painter, to journey into the mystery and miracle of our place in an unfolding, evolving Universe.

Learn More

During the first half of the mini sabbatical, Stephan Martin, will share insights from modern cosmology and the evolutionary perspective, where we can find support, renewal and guidance that can sustain us through the challenges we face.

Gillian Romano, will facilitate participants to find expression of these insights and learnings through the medium of painting. No knowledge or previous experience of painting is needed. There will be break days to enjoy  Springbank’s woods, the Labyrinth, the Cosmic walk and ‘Grandmother Tree’ – Springbank’s  500-800 year old live Oak and time to just ‘be’!

Arrival and departure: Arrive by 4.00 pm on September 20, Friday and depart September 30th after the session ends at 4.30pm.

Cost : $1,025 Registration: $125 (non-refundable) Balance $900

Includes program, accommodations, meals and materials for painting

November 12-24, 2024
Mini Sabbatical – Indigenous Wisdom, Spirit Quest and Pottery

  • Trina McCormick, OP
  • Anita Braganza IBVM
  • Marya Grathwohl OSF
  • Richard Guess

Enjoy a mini-sabbatical exploring the ancient wisdom of indigenous peoples, learning ways of relating to the natural world with greater reverence.
A Spirit Quest in the natural world opens us to the inspiration of the Spirit.
During this mini-sabbatical, you will create several, unique earthen vessels using a hand building technique. No art experience is necessary.
Enjoy a time of solitude and companionship with other seekers.

The mini sabbatical starts on November 12, 11am and ends on November 24 after lunch.
Cost: $1200 Registration $100 (non-refundable) Balance : $1100
Includes program, materials for pottery, accommodations and meals.

Arrival and departure: Arrive by 10.30am on Tuesday and depart after lunch on the last Sunday.

You may check in earlier or extend your stay, depending upon availability, by contacting Sr. Anita at 843 372 6311.