September 20-22, 2024: Discovering and Living the New Cosmology

Discovering and Living the New Cosmology

September 20-22, 2024

Modern science reveals that we live in a universe far richer, more profound, and more wonderful than anything we could have ever imagined. Join Stephan Martin, astronomer and author to discover how the emerging New Cosmology weaves together insights from modern science and traditional wisdom to show that we live in a sacred reality that is personal, meaningful, and radically inclusive. Together we’ll reflect on some of these insights and their implications for our spirituality and how we might apply them in our daily
lives. In our time together there will be plenty of time for discussion, reflection, and even stargazing (weather permitting) as we explore what it means to be participants in an unfolding, creative, and mysterious universe.

Learn More: In our time together there will be plenty of time for discussion, reflection, walking the woods and trails at Springbank and even stargazing (weather permitting). We will explore what it means to be participants in an unfolding, creative, and mysterious universe.

Arrival and departure: Arrive by 4.00pm on Friday and depart after lunch on Sunday
Friday session starts at 4.30pm
Saturday: 11- 1 pm, 2.30 – 4.30 pm
Sunday 11 – 12.30 pm ending with lunch

Cost : $435 Registration: $65 (non-refundable) Balance $370
Includes program, accommodations and meals

You may check in earlier or extend your stay, depending upon availability, by contacting Sr. Anita at 843 372 6311.

Additional information

Payment Option

Includes program and lunch, Residential for both programs, Zoom, Full Payment, Deposit, Balance