March 8-9, 2025 How Evolution is Changing our Faith in the 21st Century

March 8-9, 2025
How Evolution is Changing our Faith in the 21st Century

Diarmuid O’Murchu MSC

In this workshop, we will explore the implications for faith and theology, particularly the newly
expanded horizon we are asked to embrace at this challenging time in our history as a human species.

Cost $370 Registration $70 (non-refundable) Balance $300 (Zoom option available for $70)
Includes program, accommodation and meals

Arrival and departure: Arrive by 10.30am on Saturday and depart after last session on Sunday.
Session timings: 10.30am -12.30 pm, 2.00 – 4.00pm.

You may check in earlier or extend your stay, depending upon availability, by contacting Sr. Anita at 843 372 6311.

Additional information

Payment Option

Includes program and lunch, Residential for both programs, Zoom, Full Payment, Deposit, Balance