Staff & Presenters
Staff Members

Anita Braganza IBVM
Executive Director.
Loreto Sister of the Province of South Asia, Anita joined the Staff at Springbank with her experience as Province and Community Leader, High School Principal and Youth Animator. Anita has an MA in English Literature, MS in Pastoral Counseling from Loyola University, Maryland and a Licentiate in the piano from the Trinity College of Music London. As Executive Director from September 1, 2022 , Anita brings a creative soul, administrative skills, a strong work ethic and a great love and commitment to her ministry at Springbank. Her remarkable gift of producing music at the piano for prayer or a party is greatly enjoyed and appreciated.

Trina McCormick, OP, MFA
Founding Director.
Artist, spiritual director, licensed massage therapist. Trina has been committed to retreat work and native spirituality and rituals for more than 30 years and has developed the ecological initiative at Springbank. At the meeting of the Board of Directors in June 2022, Trina requested the Board that she be relieved of her role as Executive Director with effect from September 1, 2022.
Trina retired officially as Executive Director and was honoured with the title Founding Director of Springbank by the Board of Directors.

Marcia Wilson, BA, RN
Marce is a pediatric nurse and certified Healing Touch practitioner who gives time out of her schedule to come from Canada and be part of the mission of Springbank for four-plus months of each year. Her love of the outdoors and her skills in building and grounds enhances and beautifies the Springbank grounds. Her commitment to healing contributes to the well-being of participants and the natural world.

Jacquie O Malley M.Ed
Jacquie is the resident Mindfulness Coach at Springbank Retreat, where she supports individuals and groups on their spiritual journeys to find inner peace, both virtually and in person. She also brings creativity to the table by preparing plant-based meals for attendees. For more information or to book a session, visit Project Mindful.
With a Master’s in Counseling Psychology (2001), Jacquie began her career as a counselor and has since evolved into an integrative catalyst for healing. She combines grounded energy with mindfulness, sound bowls, meditation, inner child work, breathwork, oracle cards and the power of simply BEING. A Level 2 certified holistic psychotherapist and sound healer, she is passionate about the divine feminine and dismantling patriarchy.
As a mother of three grown children, Jacquie weaves her parenting wisdom into her transformative work.
For more info or to book a session, visit Project Mindful

Sr. Barbara Wieseler SCL

Virgie Fincher BA BIT
Virgie brings to Springbank her experience of working in various office roles in the Phillipines. With her commitment , efficiency and secretarial skills, Virgie is an asset to Springbank.

Diarmuid O'Murchu
A member of the Sacred Heart Missionary Order, and a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin Ireland, is a social psychologist most of whose working life has been in social ministry, as a couple’s counsellor, in bereavement work, AIDS-HIV counselling, and, in more recent times, with homeless people and refugees. As a workshop leader and group facilitator, he has worked in Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia, The Philippines, Thailand, India, Peru and in several African countries, facilitating programmes on Adult Faith Development. His best-known books include Quantum Theology (1996 – revised in 2004), Ancestral Grace (2008), and others. He now lives in Dublin, Ireland.

Steve Martin
Steve is an astronomer, educator, and author who has taught astronomy, physics and consciousness studies at colleges, universities and learning centers across the US for nearly three decades. He is currently Director of the Deeptime Leadership Program at the Deeptime Network. Steve frequently offered experiential workshops on stargazing, astronomy and personal transformation at observatories, learning centers and other popular venues around the world. You can learn more about his work at and at

Linda Scozik SSJ-TOSF
A member of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis, Linda brings her contemplative heart to the creative process of basket making. She is a family nurse practitioner, and spiritual guide. She collaborated to establish a day program in Milwaukee for women in the street-based sex trade. She shares time with the women who now have a pathway to find hope, resources and support to live healthier, safer lives.

Gillian Romano
Gillian embraced her love of arts from a young age. She graduated from College with a degree in fine arts. Her love for nature as her teacher, drew her to the writings of Thomas Berry and Brian Thomas Swimme, seeing the parallel between the creative process and the journey of the Universe. For a few years, she continued her artistic process with Mary Southard CSJ as guide. Gillian is now the facilitator of the ‘Come and Paint’ retreats at The Well Spirituality Center, La Grange Park, IL.

Richard B. Guess MEd
Richard retired in 2017 after serving for over thirty years in the field of public mental health in a variety of specialty areas including forensics and emergency services. For the last thirteen years of his career, he served as the Executive Director of a comprehensive Community Mental Health Center which served four rural counties in South Carolina. Richard is also a Certified Master Naturalist and a Journeyman level beekeeper.
He now works part-time as a trail technician, volunteer coordinator, and environmental educator at an 800 acre Nature Preserve along the Wateree River in Kershaw County. Like many South Carolinians, Richard is of Native American Ancestry. His passion for life-long learning, his interest in Native American Spirituality and his ongoing study of comparative religions compel him to teach others. Richards unique skills as a storyteller and his relaxed style combine to make him a popular speaker in a variety of settings.

Elizabeth Grund, MEd
Dream work got hold of Elizabeth in 1987 when a friend told her that her mom was in a dream group. She then attended a workshop on the fundamentals and the group began meeting regularly. For more than 30 years, dream work has been her passion.
Elizabetbh has been employed and volunteers in community organizing, state government and law of office administration, and church leadership.
Along side the “works” on her resume, Elizabeth’s journey has been informed by experiences with parental alcoholism, ADHD, bereavement, adoption, childbirth and parenting, depression, Jungian psychology, Unitarian Universalism, Enneagram study and many generours teachers, not the least important of whom are her husband and daughters.
In 2011, Elizabeth graduated from the Institute for Dream Studies and joyfully engages with individual and group dream work, presentations and workshops.

Sr. Pamela Smith SSCM PhD
Sr. Pam has a doctorate in systematic theology with specialization in environmental ethics. Author of 10 book and articles on Biblical, ethical and ecological themes, she is currently Director for Ecumenical and interreligious Affairs at the Diocese of Charleston.

Susan Lincoln
Susan Lincoln is an inspiring classical singer and teacher from Austin, Texas. After a 1999 pivotal experience at the Abbey of St. Hildegard of Bingen in Germany, Susan made a commitment to helping women heal through the power of their own voices with Hildegard as our guide. She is the founder of Hilde Girls in Austin, now celebrating 20 wonderful years! Susan has an exuberant spirit, passionate curiosity, empathic heart, and two precious granddaughters who keep her young at heart!

Linda Gibler
Linda Gibler, OP, PhD, is a Dominican Sister of Houston. She has served as vicaress to her congregation since June 2022. Before her return to Houston, Linda was the Associate Academic Dean and Associate Professor of Science and Religion at the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio.
Linda studied with Brian Swimme at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco and completed her PhD in Philosophy and Religion in 2007. In addition to the PhD, she earned a MA in Philosophy and Religion at CIIS, a MAPS at Aquinas Institute of Theology, and a BA in Sociology and Life Science Ethics at the William Paterson College of New Jersey. Before her San Francisco studies, Linda was the director of social ministry for a parish in Houston where she coordinated direct services, social outreach, and social justice programs. She worked for a Texas agency to insure health care for indigent women, and served on a hospital medical ethics board.
Linda delights in telling the 14 billion-year story of the Universe, stars, and Earth, as well as the stories of the common things that surround us. Her book, From the Beginning to Baptism: Scientific and Sacred Stories of Water, Oil, and Fire (Liturgical Press, 2010), tells the cosmic stories of the primary sacramentals of baptism and considers the difference it would make if we allowed Nature to teach us about God, ourselves, and right relationship with all members of the Earth community.

Joe Vinciguerra - Certified Yoga Instructor
Joe Vinciguerra is a passionate truth seeker and a lover of yoga, learning, technology, blogging, biking and Italian culture. A native of New York, Joe studied with numerous instructors including Tao- Porchon-Lynch, who at 100 is the world’s oldest yoga instructor. Joe has travelled to Dharamshalla, India, the birthplace of Yoga to deepen his practice and knowledge of yoga and received his 200 hours level training there.
Joe is a licensed Broga Yoga Instructor teaching students of all ages in the Charleston SC area.

Jacki Mariest
Health and Well-being Coach, Certified Functional Medicine Coach, Registered Nurse, Certified Qigong Coach and Instructor, Jacki entered the world of medicine with a nursing degree and quickly realized she wasn’t in healthcare, she was in sick care.
Learning about the mind body emotion connection, she embarked upon a path to help herself and her clients heal from emotional turmoil that can lead to disease. Jacki has been practicing Qigong for over 20 years. It has helped her quiet her mind, open her heart and listen to her body and she most enjoys teaching clients to do the same. Jacki is a Certified Functional Medicine Coach, Registered Nurse, Qigong Coach and Instructor.

Doreen Cloutier, CSC
Sister of Holy Cross, BA in Special Education and Psychology, for 30 years Doreen was a missionary in Mali, West Africa and Haiti. An accomplished educator she has accompanied women and youth through school administration, campus ministry and community leadership. Doreen brings her experience, creativity, appreciation of indigenous wisdom, love for earth, music, movement as an expression of truth and beauty and passion for justice to Springbank. After being on the Springbank team for 4 years, Doreen is now a full time member of the leadership team of the Holy Cross sisters.

Sharon Zayac

Victoria Loorz, MDiv
Victoria Loorz, MDiv, is a “wild church pastor,” an “eco-spiritual director” and co-founder of several transformation-focused organizations focused on the integration of nature and spirituality. She feels most alive when collaborating with Mystery and kindred spirits to create opportunities for people to re-member themselves back into intimate, sacred relationship with the rest of the living world.
After twenty years as a pastor of indoor churches, she launched the first Church of the Wild, in Ojai CA and began to meet others with the same sense of call to leave building and expand the Beloved Community beyond our own species. She then co-founded the ecumenical Wild Church Network.
Victoria is co-founder and director of Seminary of the Wild, which is focused on a deep-dive yearlong Eco-Ministry Certificate program for all those who feel called by Earth and Spirit to “restore the great conversation.” (Thomas Berry)
Victoria‘s young adult children — Alec and Olivia — are wise, creative, tender souls, dedicated to creating a more inclusive, compassionate, and just world.

Julie Westhofen
Julie Westhofen has practiced contemplative photography for over twelve years. Her first experience was a surprise when she noticed the amazing patterns on a bird’s wings at the Carolina Raptor Center through the lens of her camera. She encourages other spiritual seekers to explore new ways of relating to God, to stretch outside of our usual habits of reading and prayer.

Yona FrenchHawk
Yona FrenchHawk is a full-blooded Cherokee Wisdom Keeper and Ceremonialist. He was born and raised on the Qualla Indian Boundary in the Great Smoky Mountains in Cherokee, NC.
Yona grew up learning the songs and stories of his people. There are less than 300 Full-Blooded Cherokee that remain out of a documented 50,000 enrolled members in the federally recognized Eastern Band of North Carolina and Western Band of Oklahoma.
To keep his traditions alive, Yona is honored to bridge the ancient past to the ancient future which is in constant need of support.
Yona is a well respected ceremonial and community leader and shares the meaning of traditional ceremonies as a way of life as it was shared with him by his Grandfather.