November 8-9, 2024 Integral Ecology : Our Companionship with Creation

November 8-9, 2024

Integral Ecology : Our Companionship with Creation

Linda Gibler OP

Life and death that gives rise to new life is part of the ongoing drama of the Universe at all levels, cosmic, planetary, and personal. Using the lens of Integral Ecology, we will explore our relationships to the Whole and to the life giving elements of the natural world that we encounter in our life each day. Integral Ecology calls us to recognise how interwoven our relationships with God, other people, all beings and our own hearts actually are. During this presentation, we will draw from Brian Thomas Swimme's Powers of the Universe as we explore our relationship to and responsibility for the Whole in light of Integral Ecology.

Cost : $365 Registration: $65 (non-refundable) Balance $300
Includes program, accommodations and meals

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Includes program and lunch, Residential for both programs, Zoom, Full Payment, Deposit, Balance