2024 spring Program Schedule
Spring 2025 Programs Coming Soon!
Our Spring 2025 lineup offers a diverse range of workshops and retreats tailored to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.
Each program at Springbank Retreat offers you the possibility of reflecting on and engaging with a different perspective of the world, your relationship with Earth, other beings and yourself. You can choose from a variety of programs….a sabbatical experience, eco-spiritual retreats, art and nature experiences, music, dance, poetry and much more! Click here for a PDF calendar of Spring 2024 program offerings.
Spring programs are organized below, by month. Please use the arrows to scroll right/left to see everything we have to offer. Select the ‘learn more’ button for full program descriptions, fees, and to register.
April Programs
Living Our Viriditas: An Interactive Restorative Retreat for Women
Join inspirational circler Susan Lincoln as she guides us in awakening our viriditas: St. Hildegard of Bingen’s secret word for the greening power of life. In 1999 Susan was visiting the Abbey of St Hildegard in Eibingen, Germany, when she had a numinous life-changing experience with Hildegard that has taken her on a powerful journey of offering opportunities for women to find their voices and restore their spirits through awareness, breath, singing for love, movement, art, and creative expression. If you are the slightest bit concerned about your singing abilities, please let it go! You will be singing confidently and freely before you know it – Hildegard will see to it!
Every Body’s Prayer: Expressing Faith Through Movement
If you have ever lifted your arms in wonder, tapped your feet to some inner song playing in your mind, held someone rocking with grief, then you understand how our bodies express what our soul knows to be true. Through a gentle, contemplative experience we will explore together the beauty of uniting heart, mind and body to express through movement what our souls are longing to share! Throughout our time together we will be stretching into our body’s marvellous ability for prayer in motion. All body types and/or physical limitations welcome.
How Evolution is Changing our Faith in the 21st Century
In this workshop, we will explore the implications for faith and theology, particularly the newly expanded horizon we are asked to embrace at this challenging time in our history as a human species.
The Healing Power of Dreams
Our inner dream-maker, known by many names, nudges us toward health and wholeness in ourselves, our relationships and environment. The nudging is often outside our awareness, but by attending to dreams we can access the wisdom, in and around us, that wants to be known. We will explore practical methods of connecting to this profound and renewable resource, experience the dynamic layers of meaning and practice translating insights into waking-life guidance and action.
Aquinas, Laudato Si and Care for All Creation
St. Thomas Aquinas, one of our earliest ecologists, offers a theology of creation which is relevant to the ecological concerns of today. Linking Aquinas with Pope Francis’ Laudato Si, Sr. Pam will offer valuable information and insights, time for personal reflection, conversation and prayer.
Healing Touch
Healing touch is a relaxing, nurturing, heart-centered energy therapy that uses gentle, intentional touch that assists in balancing physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. It uses noninvasive techniques that clear, energize and balance the human and environmental energy fields, strengthening the immune system, creating a sense of well-being. Participants will learn through hands on experience some basic modalities in healing touch.
Growing One's Soul
This retreat is an invitation to ponder, pray and pay attention to the sacred impulses rising up in our hearts as we touch into other modes of understanding. We will nurture the heart, energize the mind and empower the spirit, hearing what lies deep within and expressing it through poetry, movement and music.
March Programs
Basketry: Weaving Balance and Beauty
Come and enjoy the contemplative art of basket making. Woven into the schedule will be time for personal reflection, ritual and communal prayer. Each participant will leave with the gifts of their own creation. No experience necessary; and materials are provided for the making of several unique baskets.
A Retreat with Thomas Merton
During this retreat we will rediscover the beauty and depth of legendary Thomas Merton’s journey by reflecting on his life of contemplation and action. Be enlightened and inspired by this presentation that embraces finding one’s ‘true self’. “What people want is a way to God” ~Merton
Indigenous Wisdom, Spirit Quest and Pottery
Enjoy a mini-sabbatical exploring the ancient wisdom of indigenous peoples, learning ways of relating to the natural world with greater reverence. A Spirit Quest in the natural world opens us to the inspiration of the Spirit. During this mini-sabbatical, you will create several, unique earthen vessels using a hand building technique. No previous experience of pottery necessary. Enjoy a time of solitude and companionship with other seekers.
Spirit Quest
Inspired by the traditional Vision Quest, and paying homage to the Seven Sacred Ceremonies of the Lakota, the Spirit Quest weekend has been described by many past participants as a deeply prayerful and insightful experience. The schedule includes significant time for solitude and reflection while immersed in the natural beauty of Springbank. Group activities usually include a “Sweat Lodge” on Saturday and a unique interfaith worship experience on Sunday that honors both Christian and Native American traditions.
Integral Ecology: Our Companionship with Creation
Life and death that gives rise to new life is part of the ongoing drama of the Universe at all levels, cosmic, planetary, and personal. Using the lens of Integral Ecology, we will explore our relationships to the Whole and to the life giving elements of the natural world that we encounter in our life each day. Integral Ecology calls us to recognise how interwoven our relationships with God, other people, all beings and our own hearts actually are. During this presentation, we will explore Integral ecology as our relationship to and responsibility for the Whole and reflect on Brian Thomas Swimme’s Powers of the Universe in preparation for the Easter Triduum.
Holy Week - Easter Triduum
Can we hear the cry of Jesus on the cross in the cry of Earth? Reflect on the death and resurrection of Jesus through the suffering, death and regenerative power of Earth. Our experience of Easter gives us hope in a time of ecological decline. The Retreat includes Holy Thursday Seder/Eucharistic Liturgy, Good Friday Way of the Cross, Holy Saturday, Great Easter Fire/Vigil and Easter Sunday Celebration.
February Programs
Quiet Your Mind, Open Your Heart & Listen to Your Body
Sometimes we fall away from what is important in life, feeling disconnected from our physical and spiritual self. Rejuvenate from within. Our bodies are a true source of wisdom when we can honestly listen to them. Movement and meditation have been proven to benefit body, mind and soul. Through body movement with Qigong and mindfulness meditation, you will learn ways to reconnect to the wisdom of your body, quiet your mind and release emotional blockages to return to what’s important – your best and true self.
The Universe Story
We come to know things by telling their story, how they came to be and how they shaped our sense of the sacred. Come, explore and deepen your sense of Earth Community as we delve into the philosophy, writings and profound insights of Thomas Berry. He was concerned to see the evolutionary story as a unifying epic that would ignite awareness of our deep connection with the universe and Earth and our place as a species among other species. There would be time for learning, sharing and exploring the sacred grounds of Springbank and the opportunity for creative expression.
Come and Paint Retreat
Enjoy three days of color expression through painting. This retreat is for artists and non artists, to experience three days of creative expression through painting. During this retreat you be provided the opportunity to meditate, grow and nurture your innate wisdom through the experience of painting. Some techniques will also be taught to help enhance the experience. This retreat is for artists and non-artists. No prior experience is needed.
Mindfulness as an Act of Love: Harness the Beauty of the Moment
At this time, when it feels like the world is crumbling down around us, we can make conscious choices that cause us less stress and be in a state of love. This workshop will help you realize that living in the moment is an act of self love. You will learn the practical brain science of stress which will help you understand why you keep getting stuck in the same unhealthy patterns (worry, frustration, unworthiness etc.). Mindfulness helps us understand and connect to our body which is our wisdom and get out of our heads. We can find peace when we live in the moment, accepting ourselves the way we are and have the courage to feel and heal. There will be one in-person meetings and 5 follow up sessions by zoom so that the practice of mindfulness becomes not just a practice but a way of life.
Yoga Retreat
What are you planting ?
If you were a plant, would you be growing, flourishing, and resilient in a drought or a flood or would you wither and barely get by when nature’s circumstances stray from the ideal? To thrive is a choice. It’s an attitude, and our ability to thrive in the world is deeply connected to the actions we take on a daily basis and the belief structures we embrace. Training our mind, body, and spirit to grow and flourish doesn’t need to be complicated. We will explore yogic practices which can help us thrive and grow. This retreat will include yoga postures, pranayama breathing practices, yoga nidra guided meditation, walking in Springbank’s beautiful woods and journaling. No prior yoga experience is needed.