October 8-9, 2024: Discover the Magic of Mindfulness and Embodiment: A Journey to Self-Love!

October 8-9, 2024

Discover the Magic of Mindfulness and Embodiment: A Journey to Self-Love!

Jacquie O Malley M.Ed

Are you ready to give yourself the ultimate gift of self-care and joy? Join this fun and transformative program where you will learn to embrace the present moment with kindness, curiosity, and a deep connection to your body. This is more than a mindfulness class – it’s a celebration of you!

What to Expect:

  • Playful Practices: Delight in exercises that help you savor life’s little wonders, from the feel of sunshine on your skin to the taste of your favorite treat.
  • Embodiment Techniques: Tune into your body’s signals, understand its needs, and respond with care through mindful movement and breathwork.
  • Self-Compassion Boosters : Learn techniques to flip negative thoughts and become your own best cheerleader.
  • Joyful Connections: Share the journey with a supportive community, making new friends along the way.

Join us and learn how to live in the moment while letting go of worry and frustration. Feel your inner spirit shine as you dance to the tune of self-compassion, celebrate the amazing person you are, and find a true home in your body.

Sign up today and start your journey to a more joyful, present, and loving you!

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Ralph Waldo Emerson



11 am – 1pm, 2.30 – 4.30pm

Cost: $365 | Registration $65 (non-refundable), Balance $300

Includes program, accommodations and meals

Additional information

Payment Option

Includes program and lunch, Residential for both programs, Zoom, Full Payment, Deposit, Balance