October 11 – 12 2023 The Science of Peace, Embodiment and Compassion

October 11 – 12 2023
The Science of Peace, Embodiment and Compassion

Jacquie O Malley M.Ed

Most of us us do not think before we make choices that cause stress—we react!

This workshop will teach the practical brain science of stress and help you understand why you keep getting stuck in the same unhealthy patterns (worry, frustration, unworthiness, etc). Mindfulness helps us to understand the science, connect to our body which is our wisdom and get out of our heads. WE can only find peace when we live in the moment, accept ourselves exactly the way we are and have the courage to feel and heal. We will use poetry, music and movement to express ourselves.

Wednesday & Thursday
11 am – 1pm, 2.30 – 4.30 pm
Cost: $360 Registration$60 (non-refundable) Balance $300
Includes program, accommodations and meals

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Payment Option

Includes program and lunch, Residential for both programs, Zoom, Full Payment, Deposit, Balance